What are the health consequences of missing teeth ?
In fact, when one or more teeth are lost, it often occurs that the neighboring teeth move, making the danger of dental malocclusion concrete. The changes affecting the maxillary joint could give rise to the onset of pain in the facial muscles, which moreover are subject to worsening with the passage of time, but it is also not to exclude the loss of bone mass, which could drastically decrease the chances of restoration.
Among the consequences of missing teeth are also the modification of the structure of the face and difficulties in pronunciation, which could decrease the probability of interaction with other people in the social context. The loss of teeth, then, significantly undermining the chewing function, creates various problems for our body even in the digestion phase, because improperly chewed food that reaches the stomach risks overloading it and does not allow it to perform its functions in the best possible way.
The very close link between dental malocclusions and headaches should also be emphasized: not infrequently, in fact, incomplete arches do not allow a uniform distribution of tension, which inevitably compromises the state of the joints.
The temporo mandibular joint (TMJ), which is the joint that performs the function of joining the skull to the mandible, is particularly affected by the serious consequences that occur due to malocclusions.
The connection between muscles, teeth, jaws and nervous system is therefore much closer than what one might suspect, and therefore, even with regard to the problem of persistent headaches, the intervention of the dentist is very useful, must promptly replace the missing teeth.
To this end, it will be possible to proceed with today's dental implantology techniques, which through the insertion of titanium pins into the maxillary or mandibular bone, allow the use of artificial dental elements that make up for the lack of real teeth.
We offer effective and definitive solutions that help solve health problems related to lack of teeth.